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专辑名称: Mozart: Don Giovanni
创作艺人: [David Parry, Philharmonic Orchestra, Garry Magee, Clive Bayley, Majella Cullagh, Barry Banks, Vivian Tierney, Andrew Shore]
音乐流派: Classical|古典
专辑规格: 3碟63首
出品公司: Chandos
发行时间: 2001/5/1
官方标价: ¥240.00 (会员免费下载)
域名语言: [en] (AI检测)


Night and day I slave away (Leporello, Donna Anna, Don Giovanni, Commendatore)
Leporello, where are you? (Don Giovanni, Leporello)
Ah! My father's in danger (Donna Anna, Don Otavio)
Oh my God! What is that? (Donna Anna, Don Otavio)
Go! You are cruel and heartless (Donna Anna, Don Otavio)
Come on, you'd better tell me (Don Giovanni, Leporello)
Where is that evil monster (Donna Elvira, Don Giovanni, Leporello)
Who's there? (Donna Elvira, Don Giovanni, Leporello)
Pretty lady, I have something to show you (Leporello)
So that's the cruel monster who betrayed me (Donna Elvira)
All you women who dream of a lover (Zerlina, Chorus, Masetto)
Thank God we are rid of her (Don Giovanni, Leporello, Zerlina, Masetto)
Now I get it, now I see! (Masetto)
At last we are rid of him (Don Giovanni, Zerlina)
There will my arms enfold you (Don Giovanni, Zerlina)
Leave her alone you monster (Donna Elvira, Zerlina, Don Giovanni)
Escape the traitor's arms (Donna Elvira)
It seems today the devil's making mischief (Don Giovanni, Don Ottavio, Donna Anna)
Don't ever place your trust in him (Donna Elvira, Donna Anna, Don Ottavio, Don Giovanni)
What an unhappy woman! (Don Giovanni)
Don Ottavio, I'm dying! (Donna Anna, Don Ottavio)
He threatened my honour (Donna Anna)
Could I ever believe… (Don Ottavio)
I'm at the end of my tether (Leporello, Don Giovanni)
Now that the wine… (Don Giovanni)
Masetto, will you listen? (Zerlina, Masetto)
Beat me, beat me dear Masetto (Zerlina)
What a sweet little witch (Masetto, Don Giovanni, Zerlina)
So it happened, she betrayed me (Masetto, Zerlina)
Rouse yourselves, my friends, look lively! (Don Giovanni, Chorus)
I shall hide among these bushes (Zerlina, Don Giovanni, Masetto)
We need to be courageous (Donna Elvira, Don Ottavio, Donna Anna, Leporello, Don Giovanni)
Rest my beauties, let me entertain you (Don Giovanni, Leporello, Masetto, Zerlina)
Pray come this way (Leporello, Don Giovanni, Donna Anna, Donna Elvira, Don Ottavio, Masetto, Zerlina)
Have you gone crazy (Don Giovanni, Leporello)
Leporello! (Don Giovanni, Leporello)
My heart, you have no mercy! (Donna Elvira, Leporello, Don Giovanni)
So what d'you think of that? (Don Giovanni, Leporello)
Look, here I am (Donna Elvira, Don Giovanni, Leporello)
What light from yonder window (Don Giovanni)
There's someone at the window (Don Giovanni, Masetto)
Let half of you go over there (Don Giovanni)
Sssh! Let me listen… (Don Giovanni, Masetto)
Ahi! Ahi! My head, my head! (Masetto, Zerlina)
Listen my darling (Zerlina)
I can see torches (Leporello, Donna Elvira)
All alone, alone in darkness (Donna Elvira, Leporello, Don Ottavio, Donna Anna)
Stop there, you villain (Zerlina, Masetto, Donna Anna, Don Ottavio, Donna Elvira)
So it was you (Zerlina, Donna Elvira, Don Ottavio, Masetto)


