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专辑名称: Endless Space 2: Definitive Edition (Original Game Soundtrack)
创作艺人: [Arnaud Roy]
音乐流派: 电影原声
专辑规格: 1碟54首
出品公司: G4F Records
发行时间: 2021/2/5
官方标价: ¥108.00 (会员免费下载)
域名语言: [en] (AI检测)


Memories of the Lost (Main Title)
Worship the Endless
Axial Tilt Zero
Vodyani Prologue
Cravers Prologue
Flawless Theory (Endless Space 2 Version)
The Edge of the Sky
Horatio Prologue
Calabi-Yau Spaces
Sophons Prologue
Quantum Dub (Sophons Theme)
Lumeris Prologue
Dyson Sphere
Driven by DNA (Cravers Theme)
United Empire Prologue
Three Quarks in a Row
To Rise, Virtual (Vodyani Theme)
Riftborn Prologue
The BattleScene I
The We (Horatio Theme)
The Families (Lumeris Theme)
Let the Voices Be Heard (Elections Theme)
Unfallen Prologue
Together to the Stars (United Empire Theme)
A Heretic's Choice
Across the Drift (Riftborn Theme)
The BattleScene II
From the Heart (Unfallen Theme)
The Lost Frontier
Surface Formations (Ground Battle Theme)
Worship the Endless
Boltzmann Brains
Light Curve
Lost Cities
Forgotten Moon
Flat Geometry
Digital Minds
Time of Change (Vaulters Theme)
Unstable Molecule
Winds of the Red Blade (Hissho Theme)
Magenta Clouds (ES2 Remix)
Slice and Collide (ES2 Remix)
Reach the Amoeba (ES2 Remix)
The Dust (ES2 Remix)
Bleu Argon (ES2 Remix)
Terraforming (ES2 Remix)
Falling Night Stars (ES2 Remix)


