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专辑名称: Dufay: Le Prince d'amours
创作艺人: [Ensemble Gilles Binchois]
音乐流派: Classical|古典
专辑规格: 1碟20首
出品公司: Evidence
发行时间: 2021/8/20
官方标价: ¥48.00 (会员免费下载)
域名语言: [fr] (AI检测)


Par droit je puis bien complaindre et gemir
Dona gentile, bella come l'oro
Belle, que vous ay je mesfait
Les douleurs dont me prends tel somme
L'alta belleza
Je ne suy plus tel que souloye
Adieu m'amour, adieu ma joye
He compaignons, resvelons
Ce moy de may soyons lies et joyeux
Estrinez moy, je vous estrineray
Ce jour le doibt, aussi fait la saison
Ne je ne dors, ne je ne veille
Resvelons nous, resvelons amoureux / Alons ent bien tos au may
Pour l'amour de ma doulce amye
Mille bonjours je vous presente
En triumphant de Cruel Dueil
Adyeu, quitte le demeurant
Je me complains piteusement
Franc cuer gentil
Mon chier amy, qu'avés vous empensé


In the courts of the 15th century, music was a constant companion; the chanson was a daily pleasure, it was a vehicle for poetry, expressed passions, was a remedy for pain, and sublimated the richness of amorous relationships with its mastery and the refinement of its means. The chanson was perhaps the musical form in which Dufay, despite being a man of the Church, best expressed his immense talent. His 80 chansons show great diversity, enabling us to appreciate the constant evolution of the aesthetic of the genre. Throughout this evolution, Dufay was always seen as an absolute master among his peers, owing to the perfection of his writing and its intense expressivity, and enriched the history of music with a masterly oeuvre that went far beyond the stylistic boundaries of the time.

The Ensemble Gilles Binchois chose to record 20 of Dufay’s chansons in which courtly love finds its most beautiful expression and refinement. © Evidence Classics

