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专辑名称: Debussy & Murail: Révolutions
创作艺人: [François-Frédéric Guy]
音乐流派: Classical|古典
专辑规格: 1碟19首
出品公司: La Dolce Volta
发行时间: 2022/2/18
官方标价: £6.49 (会员免费下载)
域名语言: [fr] (AI检测)


Images, premiere serie, L. 110, CD 105: I. Reflets dans l'eau
Cailloux dans l'eau
Le Rossignol en amour
Résurgence La Sorgue à Fontaine-de-Vaucluse
Le Misanthrope d'après Liszt et Molière
Impression, Soleil levant
I. Brouillards
II. Feuilles mortes
III. La Puerta del Vino
IV. Les fées sont d'exquises danseuses
V. Bruyères
VI. General Lavine – eccentric
VII. La Terrasse des audiences du clair de lune
VIII. Ondine
IX. Hommage à S. Pickwick Esq. P.P.M.P.C
X. Canope
XI. Les Tierces alternées
XII. Feux d'artifice


To link Debussy with the compositions of Tristan Murail is to place musical evolution in a historical logic of sonic upheavals, says the pianist François-Frédéric Guy. Fascinated by idioms that revolutionise music, today he takes us on a journey between two immensely creative figures. At a distance of more than a century, Claude Debussy and Tristan Murail reveal the same concern for precision in writing and preservation of freedom of thought. The works assembled in this album metamorphose colours and spaces: they offer unprecedented poetic imagination, constantly expanding dreamlike worlds. The impression that remains on the listener%27s memory is above all one of astonishing and intense emotion. © La Dolce Volta

