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专辑名称: Radio One
创作艺人: [Airelle Besson]
音乐流派: Jazz|爵士
专辑规格: 1碟9首
出品公司: naïve
发行时间: 2016/5/13
官方标价: £8.29 (会员免费下载)
域名语言: [en] (AI检测)


Radio One (Football Games on Radio One)
All I Want
The Painter & the Boxer
La galactée
Around the World
Candy Parties
No Time to Think
People's Thoughts


The idea of ​​setting up a quartet of this kind is not new ground for the talented Airelle Besson. In fact, she confessed back in 2014 (the year of that rehearsals with the band began) that she had spent the previous five years studying up on the subject. The chemistry between the band members and Besson takes place very quickly, and the artist puts it down to her choice of collaboration, with Benjamin Moussay (piano, synthesizer) and Fabrice Moreau (drums) both playing important roles. The discovery and addition of the highly adept Isabel Sörling, a Scandinavian vocalist, is another key aspect of the project and one which makes it all the more singular. Organic and minimalist from end to end, the Radio One music ensemble is graceful and delicate. By placing emotion at the heart of the project, the quartet connect with the listener, and vice versa. A wonderful Qobuzism!

