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专辑名称: Blue Banisters
创作艺人: [Lana Del Rey]
音乐流派: ROCK|摇滚
专辑规格: 1碟15首
出品公司: Polydor Records
发行时间: 2021/10/22
官方标价: £8.39 (会员免费下载)
域名语言: [en] (AI检测)


Text Book
Blue Banisters
Interlude – The Trio
Black Bathing Suit
If You Lie Down With Me
Violets for Roses
Wildflower Wildfire
Nectar Of The Gods
Living Legend
Cherry Blossom
Sweet Carolina


Just seven months after Chemtrails Over the Country Club, while the planet is gradually coming out of its pandemic lethargy, Lana Del Rey has released Blue Banisters, an eighth album that%27s full of fresh gems… It%27s fascinating how the LA-based New Yorker can cut right through the dense trappings of her image (the pout, the persona, the videos, etc.) and put the spotlight firmly on her songs. Once again, amid quiet intimacy, boudoir melodies and confessional arrangements, the American shines as a songwriter of substance. The pop music on Chemtrails Over the Country Club, was folkier than ever, despite the echo and reverb that helped her exquisite voice really soar. But here she takes a more eclectic approach and makes a few nods to her previous songs. Some of the songs here were originally written for previous albums, which is another reason for the sometimes-baffling eclecticism of Blue Banisters or maybe it%27s just a true reflection of her personality?

The confessions of a bad girl song is still her strong suit (Black Bathing Suit), but Del Rey can still pull out the drama, for example in her duet with Miles Kane (Dealer); and she can even manage some family-friendly material, as with Sweet Carolina, which was co-written with her father and sister. She slaloms between textures and sounds, outpourings and outbursts. Hypnotised, we can only follow… We leave Blue Banisters with less the impression of having travelled in unknown land, as with the deep conviction that we now hold in our hands a new, crucial piece of the Lana Del Rey puzzle. This record offers yet more proof that melancholy and the blues are still the most efficient fuel for songwriting… © Marc Zisman/Qobuz

