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专辑名称: The New Abnormal
创作艺人: [The Strokes]
音乐流派: ROCK|摇滚
专辑规格: 1碟9首
出品公司: Cult Records – RCA Records
发行时间: 2020/4/10
官方标价: £10.19 (会员免费下载)
域名语言: [en] (AI检测)


The Adults Are Talking
Brooklyn Bridge To Chorus
Bad Decisions
Eternal Summer
At The Door
Why Are Sundays So Depressing
Not The Same Anymore
Ode To The Mets


Finally! The Strokes never stood taller in their Conversed feet than they did at their début 20 years ago. That%27s quite a while to be in the wilderness. In 2001, Is This It revitalised a moribund rock. Influenced by Velvet Underground and Television but also, more surprisingly, by Pearl Jam and Nirvana according to Albert Hammond Jr., the five boys headed by Julian Casablancas, son of the boss of Elite and Miss Denmark 1965, had the perfect lo-fi, minimalist rock sound and the nonchalant punk attitude to go with it. Naturally, everything had been well thought-out. Make it sound old but like it’s from 2001, Casablancas once said. Back to sloppy guitars, bass and drums for fucked-up-sounding tracks. Down with electronics. The first album%27s miracle formula eroded under the weight of subsequent releases, ego duels, experiments with kidnapped synths, and it ended with the pale Comedown Machine (2013), relegating the New Yorkers to has-been status. But The New Abnormal and its prophetic title are inspired. With its visual portrayal of Bird On Money, Basquiat%27s exquisite tribute to Charlie Parker, The Strokes walked that thin line between underground and popular, the salt of the 80s. In the Big Apple, with Blondie. But also in Elizabeth%27s Kingdom. Impossible not to think of Human League%27s Don’t You Want Me when hearing Brooklyn Bridge to Chorus. Or Billy Idol%27s sharp lyricism and Morrissey%27s vocals on Bad Decisions. From the opening and for 45 minutes thereafter, everything will be moving. From the relentless gimmickry of The Adults Are Talking with Casablancas%27 busted falsetto, to the groovy Eternal Summer that calls up shades of Roger Waters on Pigs, to a plaintive Selfless with a Chris Martin tinge: Casablanca%27s voice is amazing, and he finally has something to say. To put some freshness back into their maturity, and oil into the sputtering engine, the quintet called upon their saviour Rick Rubin, founder of Def Jam. And they struck gold. Calculated melodies that feel spontaneous, synthetic textures with old-fashioned charm, economical guitars and broken-down tempos, everything works beautifully. A work with a chipped but refined beauty, both solar and lunar, that will stand the test of time. © Charlotte Saintoin / Qobuz

