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专辑名称: 本杰明·布里顿:声乐与吉他作品集
创作艺人: [Ivonne Fuchs]
音乐流派: 古典
专辑规格: 23首
出品公司: Proprius
发行时间: 2018/2/9
官方标价: ¥138.00 (会员免费下载)
域名语言: [en] (AI检测)


Songs from the Chinese, Op. 58 No. 1. The Big Chariot
Songs from the Chinese, Op. 58 No. 2. The Old Lute
Songs from the Chinese, Op. 58 No. 3. The Autumn Wind
Songs from the Chinese, Op. 58 No. 4. The Herd-Boy
Songs from the Chinese, Op. 58 No. 5. Depression
Songs from the Chinese, Op. 58 No. 6. Dance Song
Folk Song Arrangements, Vol. 6, "England" No. 1. I will give my love an apple
Folk Song Arrangements, Vol. 6, "England" No. 2. Sailor-Boy
Folk Song Arrangements, Vol. 6, "England" No. 3. Master Kilby
Folk Song Arrangements, Vol. 6, "England" No. 4. The Soldier and the Sailor
Folk Song Arrangements, Vol. 6, "England" No. 5. Bonny at Morn
Folk Song Arrangements, Vol. 6, "England" No. 6. The Shooting of his Dear
Folk Song Arrangements, Vol. 3, "British Isles": No. 5. The Foggy, Foggy Dew
Book of Songs, Book 1: Come, heavy sleep
Nocturnal after John Dowland: Reflections on Come, heavy sleep, Op. 70 I. Musingly
Nocturnal after John Dowland: Reflections on Come, heavy sleep, Op. 70 II. Very agitated
Nocturnal after John Dowland: Reflections on Come, heavy sleep, Op. 70 III. Restless
Nocturnal after John Dowland: Reflections on Come, heavy sleep, Op. 70 IV. Uneasy
Nocturnal after John Dowland: Reflections on Come, heavy sleep, Op. 70 V. March-like
Nocturnal after John Dowland: Reflections on Come, heavy sleep, Op. 70 VI. Dreaming
Nocturnal after John Dowland: Reflections on Come, heavy sleep, Op. 70 VII. Gently rocking
Nocturnal after John Dowland: Reflections on Come, heavy sleep, Op. 70 VIII. Passacaglia
Nocturnal after John Dowland: Reflections on Come, heavy sleep, Op. 70 IX. Slow and quiet


Ivonne Fuchs这位德国-瑞典女中音在短短几年内就成为了国际知名的歌剧演唱家和音乐会歌手。她在斯德哥尔摩皇家音乐学院和斯德哥尔摩歌剧大学接受了教育,2010年初,她在那里完成了她的硕士学位。2009年夏天,她首次在斯德哥尔摩的卓宁霍姆宫廷剧院出演歌剧,扮演汉德尔的亚力欧唐德一角。在读书期间,她获得了数项奖学金,其中包括德国瓦格纳-盖塞尔夏夫特学院、瑞典皇家音乐学院和卓宁霍姆宫廷剧院。2012年,她获得了著名的比尔吉特·尼尔森奖学金。最近,她在纽约获得了2016格达利斯纳国际瓦格纳大赛的奖学金。

