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专辑名称: Xplorium
创作艺人: [The Xplorium Chamber Ensemble]
音乐流派: 古典
专辑规格: 18首
出品公司: Centaur Records, Inc.
发行时间: 2021/9/8
官方标价: ¥128.00 (会员免费下载)
域名语言: [en] (AI检测)


KrascH!: I agitato
KrascH!: Ii stresso tempo-iii
Compression: Concerto for Saxophone Quartet with Percussion
Mount Rainer Search and Rescue
Carnival of the Animals: I Introduction and the Lion’s Royal March
Carnival of the Animals: Ii Hens and Roosters
Carnival of the Animals: Iii Wild Asses (Speedy Animals)
Carnival of the Animals: Iv Tortoises
Carnival of the Animals: V the Elephant
Carnival of the Animals: Vi Kangaroos
Carnival of the Animals: Vii Aquarium
Carnival of the Animals: Viii Personages with Long Ears
Carnival of the Animals: Ix the Cuckoo in the Deep Woods
Carnival of the Animals: X Aviary
Carnival of the Animals: Xi Pianists
Carnival of the Animals: Xii Fossils
Carnival of the Animals: Xiii the Swan
Carnival of the Animals: Xiv Finale


